Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal are expecting their first child this year. The actor threw a small baby shower for his darling wife at an undisclosed venue in Mumbai. Some pics from the celebrations have found their way on social media. We can see that Natasha Dalal is dressed in an off-shoulder white dress with comfy footwear. The lady opted for minimal makeup given it was a summer afternoon do. Also Read – Mr & Mrs Mahi to clash with Varun Dhawan’s Baby John; Karan Johar’s announcement of Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor film shocks fans
BollywoodLife is on WhatsApp. Get all the latest Entertainment News and TV News updates instantly. Also Read – Baby John: A potential Game Changer in Varun Dhawan’s career
Varun Dhawan takes time out to plan Natasha Dalal’s baby shower
Varun Dhawan has been very busy with the shoot of Atlee and Kalees’ film Baby John. However, he took time out to plan the baby shower of Natasha Dalal. Shahid Kapoor’s wife Mira Rajput shared a pic of the two-tiered cake. It seems it was created by Jaanvi Dhawan, who is the wife of Rohit Dhawan, the elder brother of Varun Dhawan. The cake had a cute teddy bear as the cake topper and flowers made of icing. Also Read – Bade Miyan Chote Miyan: Ali Abbas Zafar wishes to cast Salman Khan, Varun Dhawan together in a film; here’s why
Natsy baby shower ?❤️#VarunDhawan #natashadalal
— varun dhawan world (@varundvn_w0rld) April 21, 2024
natasha’s baby shower ??? too cute.#VarunDhawan
— diyaaa. (@varundvnshades) April 21, 2024
Varun Dhawan announced to the world that Natasha Dalal is pregnant
In February, he announced that Natasha Dalal and he are expecting their first child. Varun Dhawan said they needed all the love and blessings on this new journey. The pic was clicked by Rohan Shrestha. Varun Dhawan will be seen in Citadel Hunny and Bunny with Samantha Ruth Prabhu. He also has Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari with Janhvi Kapoor.
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