The much-anticipated comedy show, The Great Indian Kapil Season 2, is set to return after a successful first season that aired earlier this year in March. The show garnered an incredible response, thanks to Kapil Sharma and his talented team of comedians, including Sunil Grover, Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda, and Rajiv Thakur, who kept the audience thoroughly entertained. Joining them was Archana Puran Singh, who played the role of the main and permanent guest on the show.
What set the first season apart was that it wasn’t broadcast on television but streamed exclusively on Netflix, making it accessible to a worldwide audience. Today, Netflix unveiled the first official promo for The Great Indian Kapil Season 2, in which Kapil Sharma and his gang promised to make our Saturdays even more exciting with their comedic antics. Fans can look forward to another season filled with laughter and entertainment.
The promo for The Great Indian Kapil Season 2 centres around the camaraderie between the cast, highlighting how their chemistry is all set to entertain us once again. In the promo, the cast promises that Saturdays will be anything but ordinary, with each one more exciting than the last. The caption reads, “Ab shanivaar hoga “Funnyvaar,” because Kapil and the gang are coming with double fun and hassi iss baar. Season 2 is coming soon! Stay tuned.”
However, the makers have yet to officially announce the exact release date for the new season. While the caption and video hint that the series will stream soon, how soon it will be—whether in weeks or a few months—remains a mystery known only to Kapil and his gang. Fans will have to stay tuned to find out when the laughter will return.
As previously reported, the shooting for The Great Indian Kapil Season 2 began in mid-August. Initial reports have suggested that the first episode will feature the cast of Bollywood Wives vs. Fabulous Lives, which is the third season of Netflix’s reality TV show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives.
Watch a video on Kapil Sharma below
Meanwhile, the first season of The Great Indian Kapil Show featured an impressive lineup of guests, which included Bollywood stars like Aamir Khan and Ranbir Kapoor, as well as cricketers Rohit Sharma and Shreyas Iyer. It will be exciting to see which celebrity guests will grace The Great Indian Kapil Season 2 and make our Saturdays better.
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