Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan, two of Bollywood’s biggest superstars, shared the screen in the 1995 blockbuster, Karan Arjun. The film, directed by Rakesh Roshan, became a big success thanks to its emotionally driven story and the dynamic performances by both actors. However, when actors of such stature come together, there are always interesting stories behind the scenes. Shah Rukh and Salman, known for their camaraderie, often share fun anecdotes from their time working on various projects. One such story is from the sets of the 1995 film, which involves the duo getting scolded by co-star Mamta Kulkarni. Also Read – Shah Rukh Khan talks about being ‘shameless’ for his love for awards, reveals what makes him nervous
As reported by News 18, in a throwback entertainment news piece, Shah Rukh Khan revealed how Mamta Kulkarni wasn’t pleased with the dance steps they performed in the song, Bhangra Paale. According to Shah Rukh, Mamta was not happy with how they executed the choreography and even told them they needed to rehearse more. This came as a shock to both Khans, who were not used to being reprimanded on set. The Chak De India actor shared that Mamta was direct in her feedback, insisting that they practice more to get the steps right. Also Read – Shah Rukh Khan celebrates 78th Independence Day with family; netizens urge him to speak about the Kolkata doctor rape-murder case
Shah Rukh Khan stated that initially, he and Salman Khan believed they were doing a great job and compared their dancing to that of choreographer Prabhu Deva. However, after Mamta’s feedback, they realised they needed to improve. The Om Shanti Om actor also recalled how they then began rehearsing late into the night, ensuring they perfected the steps for the scenes to be shot the next day. In a twist of events, Shah Rukh mentioned that after all the extra practice, when they finally nailed the dance steps, it was Mamta who made a mistake. Also Read – Independence Day 2024: Azadi from Heeramandi; Vande Mataram from Fighter and more patriotic hits from Bollywood
Watch a video on Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan
SRK and Salman have shared screenspace in several movies, even as special appearances. Some of the films are Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega, Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam, Tubelight, Pathaan and Tiger 3. Soon, their fans will see them fighting each other on screen with YRF’s Tiger Vs Pathaan, one of the Spy Universe movies. So far, no details are out about the same.
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