RRR is an iconic movie. The film has been loved by all and was a big hit. Not just in India but the film has received love globally. Who can ever forget Natu Natu song? It won the Best Original song titled at the Oscars. Jr NTR and Ram Charan created magic on-screen with their dance moves on the show. SS Rajamouli made an Oscar-winning film and it is definitely amongst the most loved films of Indian cinema. The film also stars Alia Bhatt in and apart from the Oscars, the film won the Golden Globes in the Best Original Song category, and also bagged the Best Song, Best Foreign Language Film at the 28th edition of the Critics Choice Awards.
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RRR returns to the threatres
Everyone loves the movie and the songs from the movie have become very popular. The characters from the film have also become famous now. Everyone remembers the dialogues and want to keep watching the film again and again. Though the film is available on OTT, watching it in the theatres was an amazing experience.
And to fulfill the audience’s wishes to watch the film in the theatres, RRR is returning to the theatres. Yes, the film will re-release in theatres across India on May 10. However, the details about its re-release, show timings are expected to be announced soon.
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Well, we cannot wait to see the friendship of Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju again on the big screens. Ram Charan and Jr NTR are a treat to watch in RRR. Recently, Ed Sheeran visited India and got a grand welcome from the Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan who hosted a bash for him.
He spoke about his love for India and revealed he is the biggest fan of RRR film and SS Rajamouli, and called RRR an incredible film.
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