The morning began with a post on Krishna Mukherjee’s social media account where she alleged that the producer of Shubh Shagun, Kundan Singh had harassed her when she was a part of the show. She said that he forced her to work on days when she was unwell. The actress alleged that they locked her up in the makeup room when she refused to shoot. This is not all. It seems after a fight they banged at the door of her room even when she was changing her clothes inside. Many actors and actresses are livid after reading the claims of Krishna Mukherjee.
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Krishna Mukherjee gets slammed by producer Kundan Singh
Kundan Singh has now written a long note saying that the actress has put false allegations just for wrongful gains. He said that all the accusations are false and frivolous. He said that Krishna Mukherjee had earlier made such claims on two people from his production unit whom Singh fired immediately. Later, he found out that her accusations were false. He said that he will contest Krishna Mukherjee’s claims in court.
Kundan Singh gets slammed by Jasmin Bhasin and Urfi Javed
People have reacted to what Kundan Singh has said with a pinch of salt. Jasmin Bhasin wrote on his Instagram, “Lies are for spineless people, if she had to lie she would have done this long back but instead she struggled and suffered for her dues. @krishna_mukherjee786 is neither a liar nor a spineless woman . You guys pushed her to the level where is suffering and had to open up when neither the authorities nor the responsible network helped her.” Social media sensation Urfi Javed also commented, “Agar payment mil jaati toh jhoot kyu bolti @krishna_mukherjee786 ! Why? She’s done leads for balaji . Itna kaam aise thode kar liya bandi ne bina credibility k.”
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