Khatron Ke Khiladi season 14 has kept audiences on the edge of their seats with their dangerous stunts. The show is hosted by Rohit Shetty and has stars like Shalin Bhanot, Abhishek Kumar, Aashish Mehrotra, Sumona Chakravarti, Niyati Fatnani, Krishna Shroff, Gashmeer Mahajani, Karanveer Mehra, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia and others. Asim Riaz walked out of the show post his nasty fight with Abhishek Kumar, Shalin Bhanot and host Rohit. Well, Shilpa Shinde became the latest contestant to get eliminated from the show. Also Read – Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 report card: Gashmeer Mahajani, Karanveer Mehra or Krishna Shroff? Who is the best and the weakest performer?
Top TV News and Entertainment News are easily available, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. Also Read – Khatron Ke Khiladi 14: Rohit Shetty accuses Krishna Shroff of avoiding stunts; latter gets into arguments with Shalin Bhanot and others
In tonight’s episode of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, Abhishek Kumar and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia got into an argument once again. Well, Niyati had red fanda and Rohit asked who would compete with her among Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia and Abhishek. Both Nimrit and Abhishek argued as they wanted to perform the helicopter task. Rohit was stunned as both Abhishek and Nimrit wanted to do the task. Nimrit tries to make Abhishek understand that she needs to take out her fear and wants to perform the task. While Abhishek said that he needs to test the strength of his hands and wants to perform the task. Nimrit tells him to go to the gym and test his strength, while Abhishek does not listen to her. Nimrit and Abhishek argue and leave everyone stunned. Also Read – Khatron Ke Khiladi 14: Gashmeer Mahajani trends on twitter after he aces the task like a pro; fans call him ‘Khiladiyo ka khiladi’
Rohit tells Karanveer to decide who will perform the task among Nimrit and Abhishek. He takes Abhishek’s name and Nimrit gets angry. Well, Abhishek aces the task like a pro and also wins hearts with his exceptional performance.
Here’s a video of Shalin Bhanot
Earlier, the two got into a nasty fight. Abhishek Kumar and Ashish Mehrotra stated that people should be set in order of a number of flags they have. Rohit questioned Shalin that he did not attempt to take a flag when he had the opportunity given to Nimrit. Rohit questioned whether it was the strategy to save his friend and Nimrity said that Abhishek and Ashish stated that to be fair they should send contestants depending on the number of flags they have. Abhishek interrupted her as he said that he did not say anything. The two got into an argument when Nimrity said that they preferred Ashish and Karan over others as friends and called them mahan.
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