Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant will be marrying sometime in the month of June. The pre-wedding celebrations of the couple had the attention of the whole world with Rihanna performing in front of Bollywood stars, cricketers and personalities like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. The nuptials are supposed to be a family only affair in a spiritual destination. Janhvi Kapoor has shared a pic of the bridal shower of Radhika Merchant. In the picture, we can see Anjali Merchant who is the sister of Radhika. It seems filmmaker Shauna Gautam who is making Nadaaniyaan with Khushi Kapoor and Ibrahim Ali Khan was also there. Some netizens said that even Sara Tendulkar attended this party. Also Read – Mr & Mrs Mahi to clash with Varun Dhawan’s Baby John; Karan Johar’s announcement of Rajkummar Rao, Janhvi Kapoor film shocks fans
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Janhvi Kapoor threw a bridal shower for Radhika Merchant?
As per Reddit, Janhvi Kapoor threw this bridal shower for Radhika Merchant on April 13, 2024. The venue was rumoredly Mumbai’s JK House. As we know, it is one of Mumbai’s most expensive residences located in Altamount Road. Gautam Singhania is the owner of the house. Radhika Merchant is seen in a pink satin co-ord set with silver embellished pumps and a crown. All the girls have the same pretty outfit with crowns. Janhvi Kapoor is supposed to be a part of Radhika Merchant’s girls’ squad. Also Read – Janhvi Kapoor to have a no ‘showsha’ wedding with Shikhar Pahariya at Tirupati? Here’s when the actress revealed her marriage plans
Janhvi Kapoor at the Ambani celebrations
Janhvi Kapoor was one of the first to arrive at the Jamnagar celebrations of Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani. The heiress of Encore Pharma is also good friends with Shikhar Pahariya, who is the boyfriend of Janhvi Kapoor. There are rumours that the actress might marry earlier than expected. Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani have been together for many years now. She is also a Bharat Natyam dancer like her would-be mother-in-law Nita Ambani. The young lady has won hearts of millions on social media.
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