Tamil superstar Kamal Haasan launched the trailer for his upcoming movie Hindustani 2 in Mumbai on June 25, 2024. During the trailer launch, Kamal interacted with the media and shared his experience working with Hindustani 2, which is a sequel to his 1996 blockbuster Indian. The sequel was made more than 25 years after the release. Hindustani 2 is one of the most awaited films of the year. The film stars Kamal Haasan, Kajal Aggarwal, Gulshan Grover, Siddharth, Rakul Preet Singh, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Bobby Simha, Guru Somasundaram, and Samuthirakani in important roles. Also Read – Hindustani 2: Siddharth REVEALS Kamal Haasan did not even drink water while shooting, shares awe-inspiring details
BollywoodLife is now on WhatsApp. Click here to join for the latest Entertainment News. Also Read – Hindustani 2 Trailer OUT: Kamal Haasan is back as Senapathy; resumes war against corruption [Watch]
Hindustani 3 in the making?
During the trailer launch, superstar Kamal Haasan spoke about an emotional and difficult scene that he shot. He said that the scene was not part of Hindustani 2 but of the third sequel. Kamal Haasan said that the director of the film told him to shoot the scene once again as they had technical issues. But, Kamal Haasan told the director that he might not get the feel again if they shoot. Kamal Haasan’s film became lengthy as they shot and the makers decided to do it in two parts.
Watch Indian 2 trailer video
Actor Kamal Haasan returns as the vigilante Senapathy in Hindustani 2 and is all set to reignite the battle once again as he declares the second war of independence against the corrupt system. The film was released in cinemas on July 12 and is directed by Shankar Shanmugham.
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