Comedian Bharti Singh was admitted to the hospital after complaining of stomach pain. She was admitted to the Kokilaben Hospital and kept updating her fans about her health. In her video, Bharti said that she was in discomfort for three days and felt that it was a gastrointestinal issue. But, after several tests, she understood that the pain was caused by a gallbladder stone. The comedian has been discharged from the hospital, but she has to undergo surgery now. Also Read – Top TV News Today: Anupamaa wins Superstar chef show, Abhinav Shukla hits back at Avinash Sachdev’s comments on Rubina Dilaik
For all the TV News and Entertainment News updates, follow BollywoodLife on WhatsApp. Also Read – Bharti Singh hospitalisation: Comedian gives health update; seeks special permission for son Gola to visit her
Bharti Singh was seen getting into a fun banter with the doctor as she complained about Haarsh. She takes a stroll in the hospital as the paperwork and formalities are being completed. Bharti shares her excitement about going home and meeting her son Golla. She even revealed that she will now go for the shoot of Dance Deewane. She even updated her fans that she would get the surgery done as the stone needed to be removed before it damaged further. Bharti’s family were thrilled to see her return home and expressed their joy after seeing her. Also Read – Comedian Bharti Singh hospitalised; shares Vlog from hospital crying as she is missing son Gola [WATCH]
Check out Bharti Singh’s VLog video below:
Bharti is married to Haarsh Limbachiyaa and they are parents to son Laksh. Bharti manages to entertain everyone with her funny jokes.
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