Parineeti Chopra recently starred in Amar Singh Chamkila with Diljit Dosanjh. The two are winning hearts in this Imtiaz Ali directorial movie which recently dropped on Netflix. The actress is the sister of Priyanka Chopra. Parineeti made her debut with Ishqzaade in 2011. And in the last couple of years, Parineeti has starred in some of the most amazing projects. The actress has reacted and opened up on the existence of camps in Bollywood.
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Amar Singh Chamkila actress Parineeti Chopra talks about favouritism and camps in Bollywood
Parineeti Chopra admits that she lost out on opportunities because she did not have access. The actress shares that sometimes actors lose out on opportunities for all the wrong reasons. She has had people who told her that they had been wanting to work with her but were not sure whether she would be willing to work or not. The actress feels there was some sort of miscommunication at that stage. However, she now hopes that all these things stop with Chamkila. She hopes that she gets good work if she does good work. She says that she is not looking for anything specific but just good work. Also Read – Why Amar Singh Chamkila’s murder case remains unsolved? Mehsampur director shares his take
Parineeti Chopra talks about her response to a fans’ tweet
While talking to Pinkvilla, Parineeti admits that access to certain actors and directors gets them opportunities. She says if she is not available in front of people, she might lose out on the opportunities of work. She says that she is not talking about nepotism and all but adds, “I am just saying there are camps, there are circles, there are favourites. Two people who are similarly talented, who, you know, can bring the same thing to the table, one will be a favourite and one will not. And the one who will not will lose the opportunity.” Also Read – Chamkila: Parineeti Chopra replies to a netizen who says ‘lack of backing’ impacted her career in the last decade
Watch this video of Parineeti here:
Diljit Dosanjh‘s costar says she can only depend on her work and talent. She hopes that now work opportunities will be based on meritocracy. She says she has no backing or anyone who would recommend her name to the directors and producers and strike a deal with them.
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